
CIESIN-Collaboration on Poverty and Development Launched with Chinese Research CenterCIESIN-Collaboration on Poverty and Development Launched with Chinese Research Center

release date: 2016-09-01

CIESIN-Collaboration on Poverty and Development Launched with Chinese Research Center

Aug 24, 2016

        Following up on a visit March 2016 to New York City by representatives from the Center for Regional Agriculture and Rural Development (CRARD), on August 23 a CIESIN delegation visited CRARD, part of the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing. CIESIN director Robert Chen gave a brief overview of CIESIN research, data, and other activities to CRARD staff, and then signed a letter of agreement with CRARD’s director, Prof. Yansui Liu. The letter affirms plans by the two organizations to collaborate on topics of mutual interest related to poverty mapping, land resource management, agricultural sustainability, soil mapping, and applications of remote sensing and geospatial technologies. Also visiting were CIESIN associate director for science applications Alex de Sherbinin, and information scientist Xiaoshi Xing. Yuanyuan Yang, a research assistant at CRARD who was a visiting scholar at CIESIN during 2013–2015, facilitated development of the partnership.

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