The IGU Commission Conference "Global Rural Development and Land Capacity Building"
IGU-AGLE conference call first round
The conference "Global Rural Development and Land Capacity Building" , will be held on August 26-29, 2017, Yulin City, China, aims to analyse rural decline and investigate the relationship between rural transformation and land use with a view to contributing to sustainable agriculture and rural development. This conference is the inaugural conference of the IGU Commission on Agricultural Geography and Land Engineering which was formally estabilished in late 2016 (
The conference will include plenary, oral, and poster sessions. The topics of the conference include but are not limited to:
1. Rural transformation and restructuring
2. Rural diversity and development modes
3. Rural economy, rural spaces and globalization
4. Land engineering and modern agriculture
5. Land consolidation and rural reconstruction
6. Rural hollowing and land system innovation
7. Poverty reduction and rural inclusive growth
8. Rural environment and clean production
Important dates:
31 May 2017-------- Deadline for abstracts and organized session proposals submission
15 June 2017------- Notification of decision for abstracts and organized session proposals
31 July 2017---------- Deadline for full paper submission
15 August 2017--- Notification of decision for full paper submission
Conference Convenors:
Contact at IGSNRR, CAS, Beijing:
Yuheng Li, Tel: 86-10-64889034, Cell: 86-13810682320, E-mail:
Yuanyuan Yang, Tel: 86-10-64889634, Cell: 86-13261831298 E-mail:
Yongsheng Wang, Tel: 86-10-64889634, Cell: 86-13426421390 E-mail: