
The Third IGU-AGLE Annual Conference

release date: 2020-09-08

The Third International Conference was held in Bogor, Indonesia, October 22-24, 2019. Over 150 Scholars from China, Japan, Sweden, France, Singapore, Australia and Senegal gathered at Bogor Agricultural University and shared with their studies in the fields of urbanization, rural and agricultural development as well as land use.The president of IGU, Emeritus Prof. Yukio Himiyama joined the meeting and gave advices to the committee members to pursue a better commission development.

The conference “Rethinking the Impacts of Urbanization on Agriculture and Land Use” focuses on analysis of agricultural and rural development trends and investigate therelationship between urbanization and land use with a critical assessment of current world’s demographic mobilities. Prof. Yansui Liu, chairman of IGU-AGLE commission gives a keynote speech titled "Rural Revitalization and Land Use Strategy in China". The commission members Prof. Guy Robinson from University of Adelaide, and Prof. Hans Westlund from Royal Institute of Technology give keynote speeches respectively titled "The geography of Agriculture 4.0: The challenge facing farming in the digital age", "Amenities and their role for rural development in the post-urban age".


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