资源科学 刘彦随:土地综合研究与土地资源工程Liu Yansui. Integrated land research and land resources engineering. Resources Science, 2015, 37(1): 1-8.



中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京 100101; 北京师范大学资源学院, 北京 100875 )

摘要 快速工业化、城镇化进程中,中国土地资源开发、利用与管理领域面临的问题日益突出,现有的土地资源学科知识积累、研究取向、技术手段,难以为破解重大现实问题提供有效支撑,加强土地资源工程研究与实践势在必行。论文提出了土地资源工程研究的主要目标与内容,开展了典型案例工程的实证分析,探讨了土地资源工程研究的地域模式及其作用。研究认为,土地资源工程是指对可供农林牧业或其他各业利用的土地资源进行调查评价、规划设计、开发整治、保护利用的综合性技术及其集成应用,通常包括土地资源的调查、评价、规划、设计、开发、整治、保护、利用等相关工程技术。新时期发展中国土地资源工程学,应注重土地资源工程的理论体系、区域诊断、技术方法、规范标准、运行模式、绩效评估、体制机制的综合研究,尤其针对当前土地资源的地域性、稀缺性、退化性、低效性问题,亟需加强多学科交叉与综合集成,强调公众参与、充分吸收地方化知识,研制面向区域、对象与问题的土地资源工程关键技术,探索构建多主体参与的行动者网络,全面创新有效推进土地资源工程发展的体制机制。

关键词 土地科学, 资源科学, 土地综合研究, 土地整治, 土地资源工程

Integrated land research and land resources engineering

AbstractLand is the solid bases for human life and development and sustainable land use is very important to the socioeconomic development of human society. Promoting comprehensive theoretical and engineering technological innovation for land resources is an important frontier in development transformation, eco-civilization construction, human-land relationship coordination and people's livelihood-land protection in China. Because of rapid industrialization and urbanization, land use, exploitation and management in China face serious problems. The current knowledge, study direction and technologies regarding land resources cannot support China's key land use problems and it is necessary to intensify the
study of land resource engineering and application. Here, we discuss the main themes and content around land resource engineering, empirically analyze typical engineering cases, and investigate areal modes and the impact of land resource engineering studies. We found that land resource engineering indicates comprehensive engineering and the application of investigation assessment, planning design, exploitation consolidation and protection utilization of land  resources usable for agriculture, forestry, husbandry and other industries. Land resource engineering normally includes engineering technologies for land investigation, assessment, planning, design, exploitation, consolidation, protection and utilization. It is necessary to further develop land resource engineering in China. For example, more attention should be paid to theoretical systems, regional diagnosis, technological methodology, standards, functioning modes, performance assessment and mechanisms. Particularly, the cross-integration of various subjects, public participation, absorbing local knowledge, innovating key engineering technologies, establishing multi-participants networks, and innovating mechanisms of land resources engineering should be intensified when there are problems such as land shortage, degradation and inefficiency.

Key words land science resources science integrated land research land consolidation land resources engineering


刘彦随. 土地综合研究与土地资源工程[J]. 资源科学, 2015, 37(1): 1-8. [Liu Yansui. Integrated land research and land resources engineering[J]. Resources Science, 2015, 37(1): 1-8.]