地理学报:中国农村空心化的地理学研究与整治实践Geographical Research and Optimizing Practice of Rural Hollowing in China



刘彦随, 刘玉, 翟荣新. 中国农村空心化的地理学研究与整治实践. 地理学报, 2009, 64(10): 1193-1202.

摘要:农村空心化是城乡转型发展进程中乡村地域系统演化的一种特殊形态。研究农村空心化是乡村地理学的天然职能,具有独特的学科优势。地理学研究农村空心化问 题,主要着眼于乡村地域系统综合性、动态性和区域性视角,侧重梳理并规范农村空心化现象描述与空间模式构建、形成机理与动力机制、空心化效应与响应机制、 整治潜力类型与优化调控等农村空心化命题研究;提炼并发展空心村演进的生命周期、代际演替空间型式、农村空心化动力学机制和农村空心化调控三整合等基础理 论;结合农村聚落空间格局和聚落演进的影响要素分析,提出我国农村空心化调控的重点与研究主题;基于山东禹城市典型案例分析,探讨了禹城市空心化村庄整治 的基本准则、发展理念与规划方案。通过实施空心村整治示范工程,重点研究空心化村庄整治引领新农村建设、耕地红线保障和城乡土地统筹配置三位一体目标的机 制、政策与模式。

关键词: 农村空心化; 空心村; 乡村地理学; 新农村建设; 禹城市;

LIU Yansui; LIU Yu; ZHAI Rongxin. Geographical Research and Optimizing Practice of Rural Hollowing in China. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2009, 64(10): 1193-1202.


Rural hollowing is a widespread phenomenon all over China, especially in traditional agricultural areas. From the dynamic viewpoint, rural hollowing is a special evolution form of rural areal system during the process of urban-rural transformation development. In terms of its natural function and task, rural geography has unique advantages to research rural hollowing. From the comprehensive, dynamic and regional perspectives, these advantages of rural geography are mainly the phenomenon description and spat...

Keywords: rural hollowing; hollowed village; rural geography; new countryside construction; Yucheng city;