地理学报:中国空心化村庄演化特征及其动力机制Analysis of Evolutive Characteristics and Their Driving Mechanism of Hollowing Villages in China


龙花楼, 李裕瑞, 刘彦随. 中国空心化村庄演化特征及其动力机制. 地理学报, 2009, 64(10): 1203-1213.

摘要:影响空心村形成演化的因素主要涉及经济、自然、社会文化及制度与管理四个方面。基于区域经济社会与自然条件的差异性决定差异化的空心村类型这一原理,划分 了空心村演化类型及类型区域。重点揭示了城乡结合部和平原农区空心化村庄发展演化的阶段特征。城乡结合部典型空心化村庄会在原址上完整演绎着实心化、亚空 心化、空心化和再实心化等四个阶段;平原农区的空心村主要包括外出务工型集中高度空心化、外出务工型分散高度空心化、农业主导型集中低度空心化、农业主导 型集中高度空心化等四种类型。一般状态下空心化村庄发展演化所表现出来的阶段性,大致与经济社会发展的时段特点相对应。最后,结合高分辨率航片 (0.25m)和入户调查数据,基于平原农区村庄空心化演化的案例研究,剖析了农村空心化演化的动力机制。

关键词: 空心化村庄; 演化阶段; 演化类型; 动力机制; 中国;

LONG Hualou; LI Yurui;LIU Yansui. Analysis of Evolutive Characteristics and Their Driving Mechanism of Hollowing Villages in China. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2009, 64(10): 1203-1213. Abstract: With the acceleration of industrialization and urbanization, there is a phenomenon of hollowing villages resulting from the vacancy and idleness of rural housing in the core of villages in the vast rural areas of China. It is a unique spatial morphology of China's rural settlements shaped by a dual track structure of rural-urban socio-economic development. The formation and evolution of hollowing villages is closely interrelated with the spatial organization of the activities of the rural population and the... Keywords:hollowing village; evolutive stage; evolutive type; driving mechanism; China;