Research on Optimizing the Spatial Structure of the Pan Changsha,Zhuzhou and Xiangtan City Cluster泛长株潭城市群空间结构优化研究

XU Mei; LIU Chunla. Research on Optimizing the Spatial Structure of the Pan Changsha,Zhuzhou and Xiangtan City Cluster, Tropical Geography, 2009, 29(4):356-361. Abstract: Using the typical mode and structural features of city clusters both at home and abroad for reference,the spatial structure of the pan-CZT city cluster was analyzed in this paper,in which the urban density theory,the sub-dimensional spatial structure theory of city clusters and the space interaction theory were used.Many features of pan-CZT city clusters were shown,such as great urban density,the coincidence between population distribution and urban distribution,obvious directivity of city distribution ... Keywords: spatial structure; pan-CZT city cluster; anti-K mode;徐美, 刘春腊. 泛长株潭城市群空间结构优化研究, 热带地理, 2009, 29(4):356-361. 摘要: 泛长株潭城市群空间结构具有城镇分布密度大且人口分布与城市分布相一致、城市分布交通指向性明显、交通网络比较发达、城市群空间联系较弱、首位城市带动作用不强等特点。借鉴国内外城市群空间结构发展的典型模式及其成功经验,根据泛长株潭城市群的实际,可采取强调一点一核一心,五圈三轴建设的反K字型模式对其空间结构进行优化整合,即重视核心城市长沙的建设,强调长株潭3市的联动发展,保留3市城乡结合部的中央绿心,打造五大城镇组群并强化三大轴线的辐射带动作用。 关键词: 空间结构; 泛长株潭城市群; 反“K”字型模式;