刘彦随出席“International Conference on Territorial Inequality and Development”并作报告Liu Yansui attended the Conference on Territorial Inequality and Development International and make a report


 International Conference on Territorial Inequality and Development International Conference,于2016124-27,在墨西哥普埃布拉市成功举行。会议由拉丁美洲乡村发展中心(Rimisp-Latin American Center for Rural Development)、加拿大国际发展研究中心(International Development Research Centre)等国际组织主办。来自美国、加拿大、墨西哥、智利、巴西、中国等36个国家、120余位专家参加会议。拉丁美洲乡村发展中心主任Julio Berdegué教授, 中国科学院农业政策研究中心黄季焜研究员,加拿大西部经济发展部Daphne Meredith副部长, 荷兰自由大学经济系Peter Lanjouw,教授,伦敦经济学院地理与环境学系Andrés Rodriguez-Posse教授等专家共同担任大会组委会成员。



中心主任刘彦随研究员应主办方邀请出席会议,并作学术报告,主持分会场及专题讨论:“Institutions, governance and political economy of territorial development”。The themes discussed are as follows: institutional changes to improve land and water markets can reduce inequalities between and within territories. What does the theory say? What is the evidence? What is being done and can be done?

The topic of Prof. Liu’s presentation is aboutDifferentiation of rural poverty and its reduction strategies in China”,which includes five aspects1Major phases of China’s anti-poverty2China’s success against poverty3Patterns of poverty in rural China4Poverty and development of rural China5Major conclusions and policy implications.