

Alliance of Poverty Reduction and Development (APRD), ANSO

2020622日,“一带一路”国际科学组织联盟(ANSO)批准成立“一带一路”减贫与发展联盟(Alliance of Poverty Reduction and Development, APRAD)。该联盟由刘彦随研究员等倡导,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所、中国科学院精准扶贫评估研究中心联合波兰科学院农村与农业发展研究所、新西兰奥克兰大学、匈牙利科学院太空与地球科学研究所、印度古瓦哈蒂大学、泰国亚洲理工学院、中国科学院昆明分院、云南省普洱市、临沧市人民政府、宁夏盐池县人民政府等一带一路地区14家科研机构与政府组织共同发起成立。联盟旨在开展一带一路地区减贫与发展的国际合作研究与技术研发,推进中国与一带一路沿线国家的扶贫开发经验和模式共享,开展科技扶贫交流与培训,探索建设中国-南亚东南亚跨境减贫与发展示范区、中国-中亚西亚国家减贫与发展联盟基地,打造“一带一路”国际减贫与发展合作新模式。

On 22 June 2020, the Alliance of Poverty Reduction and Development (APRD) was officially approved by the Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO) which is a non-profit, non-governmental international scientific organization founded in 2018 by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and 36 other international science and education institutions around the world. APRD currently consists of 14 founding members from 10 countries and regions. It aims to promote collaborations and academic exchanges in the fileds of poverty reduction and sustainable development among the universities and research institutes in the “Belt and Road” region.