

The China UrbanRural Development Think Tank Alliance (CURTA)

中国城乡发展智库联盟于20151227日在北京成立,是由国务院研究室 中国言实出版社、中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所发起,由全国城乡发展研究领域主要机构及专家学者共建的非营利性学术团体。联盟主要围绕城乡统筹发展、土地制度改革、精准扶贫战略、新型村镇建设、现代农业安全、城乡问题治理等方面的城乡发展重大问题、重要选题、重点难题,深入开展调查研究、分析评估,提出咨询建议,服务政策决策。中国科学院地理资源所刘彦随研究员、中国言实出版社社长王昕朋担任理事长,地理资源所龙花楼研究员任秘书长,汇聚了来自地理学、经济学、社会学、管理学、城乡规划学、工程技术等8个学科、43家理事单位、100余位专家学者。

The China Urban–Rural Development Think Tank Alliance (CURTA) was established in Beijing on December 27th, 2015. CURTA is sponsored by Yanshi Press, the Research Bureau of the State Council, and the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). This alliance is a non-profit academic community that comprises national major institutions and scholars in the research fields of urban and rural development. CURTA conducts research and provides policy proposals in the areas of coordinated urban–rural development, land system reform, targeted poverty alleviation strategies, new rural construction, modern agricultural security, and problem-solving in urban and rural areas. Professor Yansui Liu at IGSNRR of the CAS and Director Xinpeng Wang at Yanshi Press act as Presidents, and Professor Hualou Long at IGSNRR of the CAS acts as Secretary General. So far, this alliance covers eight research areas and encompasses 43 governing units and more than 100 experts from the fields of geography, economics, sociology, management, urban and rural planning, and engineering and technology.

中国城乡发展智库联盟在京成立/The establishment ceremony of CURTA


CURTA徽标/The CURTA logo 

首届理事会第一次工作会议/The first CURTA council meeting